I made it do different stuff to make it different its just a beautiful cause personally it just makes me melt cause I just love flowers and love is just so important its just the greatest work of art ever I think I love love flowers so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much well thanks a lot for listening bye again love this piece so much I could pop but then again it could be a little hard to explain I think this piece is more about protect are beatifull gift in life which is having something in your heart that just shines threw you everyday no question sometimes I just look at my self in the mirror and ask myself whos that girl looking at you in the mirror cause sometimes when you think your sure about stuff but your not sometimes I know its complicated but you will fid your way absolutely guarantee you will just trust me please im begging you to just trust me you will not regret it just trust me please again I say just please im begging you to just trust me