Featured Maker: Emma Likes to Play Soccer, Guitar, and Video Games!

Last Updated: June 29, 2021 11:12 am
Featured Maker: Emma Likes to Play Soccer, Guitar, and Video Games!

Meet our newest Featured Maker, 6th grader Emma from England! Her favorite subjects in school are math and drama. And when she grows up, she wants to be a singer! Emma talked with us about her experience coding with Tynker:

How did you get introduced to Tynker?

Ever since second grade when I came to England, they introduced us to Tynker. We used to do other coding things but Tynker was quite the main one.

How did you learn to use Tynker?

I just tried out stuff because I would make some characters, and then I would add some characteristics that made it look like my family and then just have them talk about themselves or something!

Have your coding skills improved since you started using Tynker?

A lot because when I came to the school, it was just like I didn’t know how to stay on a code. I didn’t even know how to make it move, but now we’ve made that really cool game and I’m really impressed with it!

How did you feel when you found out your project had been featured?

I was amazed. I just called all of my friends, and I’m like, we got on feature!

What’s your favorite project you’ve made so far?

The one that featured is my favorite. I just love it so much because we can draw and stuff, and it’s so cool!

Where did you get the idea for your project?

It took us around a month to make it. We got the idea because in our group we all love to draw and stuff.

How do you get inspiration for your projects?

I kinda just think of something and go ahead with it, because while I’m doing it I think of stuff I can improve or change. And also with my friends, definitely!

Why do you like to code?

I like to code because I like to just show creativity, and it’s really fun and having characters move the way you want them to. I always think when I’m playing games if I own the game I would change and improve some stuff. And now I can make my own game basically! 

Do you have a favorite code block?

Well, in our project we have a lot of blocks we kept on using, especially on-start.

What do you do with a project when you’re done with it?

First, I’d show my friends, then I’d publish it, and then when I got home I would tell my mom and dad!

What’s the best thing about Tynker?

I love playing other people’s games, and I keep on getting inspired by them, so it’s really fun!

Do you think learning to code has prepared you for the future?

Because I also love editing stuff so coding sort of helps me with that. I also like doing things like these transition videos!

Do you think other kids should try coding?

Yes, I definitely do because it helps you with a lot of things, and it’s really fun to do, so I recommend other people do it because it can help you also with quite a few things!

What advice would you give to kids starting out with Tynker?

Basically, just start off small and then you can get bigger and bigger because that’s what I did. Me and my friends used to make the small little things!

Bonus: What’s a fun fact about you?

I stand out in the crowd! A lot of my friends are shy, but then I’m really loud!

Emma’s mother, Rachel, spoke with us about her daughter learning code with Tynker:

It’s just incredible what they’re doing at school and preparing them for the future because what they’re learning now will be used for the jobs in the future. I mean the jobs we do now so many of those will be gone. And I think it’s incredibly important.

She does most of the coding at school. I think she tends to always work in teams but Emma is incredibly creative, and she’s got some amazing friends at school but they work together on projects.

What benefits do you think coding has for your child?

I think patience.

Do you feel that your child is better prepared for the future?

I definitely do. It’s an incredible school. It’s amazing that they offer this kind of opportunity, and we’re very fortunate to go to this school. I think what they do, the work that they are doing with coding is really preparing the students for the future.

Thank you!

We want to thank Emma and her mother for taking the time to speak with us about coding with Tynker. We can’t wait to see what Emma creates next – HAPPY CODING!


About Tynker

Tynker enables children to learn computer programming in a fun and imaginative way. More than 60 million kids worldwide have started learning to code using Tynker.