Six Essential Tips Back to School Tips for Parents

Last Updated: August 10, 2023 9:14 am
Six Essential Tips Back to School Tips for Parents

The end of summer marks a time of change for parents and children. As the days get shorter, the excitement and nervousness for a new academic year build-up. The transition can be overwhelming whether your child is starting at a new school or a new classroom.

To make the back-to-school experience as smooth as possible, here are six fundamental parent tips to help ease the journey and set the stage for a productive and enjoyable year ahead.

1. Connect with Educators

Before the school year starts, connect with your child’s teachers and share their strengths, challenges, and any home situations that could impact their learning. Be patient with your responses.

2. Organize Your Child

To facilitate remote learning for children with ADHD, it is recommended to: list platforms for assignments and meetings, create a suitable workspace, ensure that all tools, such as tablets, are ready and familiar, and keep passwords accessible and secure.

3. Establish Routines

Aim to establish a similar routine at home to the one your child experiences in school. Understand common patterns of a typical school day and replicate them to encourage independence.

4. Discuss Transitions

Changes, like moving from elementary to middle school, can be overwhelming. Prepare your child by discussing their potential emotions, setting expectations, and highlighting the importance of resilience.

5. Prioritize Family Time

Plan activities to differentiate school and family life. Game nights can promote relaxation and connection. Regular check-ins strengthen unity in facing school-year challenges.

6. Incorporate Balanced Extracurricular Activities

Balancing academics with extracurricular activities promotes holistic development and stress relief. 

  • Physical activities, such as organized sports or recreational biking, foster teamwork, discipline, and physical health. 
  • Music, including learning an instrument or listening, offers a therapeutic escape and enhances creativity, concentration, and emotional intelligence. 
  • Coding classes from Tynker improve logical thinking, problem-solving, and career opportunities. 
  • Arts and crafts develop fine motor skills, creativity, and self-expression. 
  • Reading clubs expand vocabulary, imagination, and comprehension skills. 

As summer sunsets give way to autumn’s promise, the prospect of a fresh academic year beckons with excitement. Beyond the preparation and routines, the exhilaration of new learnings, friendships, and adventures truly shines. Here’s to a school year filled with discovery, resilience, and exploring the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

Go further and discover how Tynker’s Curriculum can inspire the next generation to shape the world through the power of code.

About Teri Llach

Teri Llach is Head of Marketing for Tynker. Teri is an experienced growth marketer with a highly successful track record in B2B and B2C, deep experience with start-ups, brands, and all functional areas of marketing. Teri lives in Palo Alto, CA.