Erin Loves Bringing Her Imagination to Life!

Coding for Kids
Last Updated: April 4, 2018 1:25 pm
Erin Loves Bringing Her Imagination to Life!

Erin Loves Bringing Her Imagination to Life!

When nine-year-old Erin isn’t drawing or playing soccer (her favorite position is offensive forward) she’s coding amazing projects in Tynker! Erin is a third-grader from New Jersey whose projects really caught our eye. We had a blast chatting with her about her hobbies, her projects, and why she likes to code!

What’s your favorite subject in school? I like art class, and my Spanish teacher is really nice.

How did you feel when you found out your project had been featured? I was proud of myself and really happy.

How did you get introduced to Tynker? Well, I’m not sure. I used to play another game and it was getting really easy, so my friend showed me Tynker!

Magical Granny Cupcake – see more of Erin’s projects here!

How did you learn how to use Tynker when you were first starting out? I taught myself. I learned from the other projects, too!

How do you use your creativity when you code? Erin’s dad pitched in, saying, “You’re persistent, so if you can’t figure out how to make something work you keep at it until you can get it to work.”

Why do you like to code? I think it’s cool to see my imagination come to life!

Emoji Creator 3,000

What do you do with a project when you’re done with it? I always read the community rules and then check it and then publish it. I also show my dad.

Do you look at the Tynker community projects? You can get ideas from them!

How do you think learning coding now might help you in the future? Erin’s dad noted that “Computers are going to be more important in the future, so learning how to program is important. She’s learning math skills before they’re even taught in school!” Erin confirmed this, saying, “This morning my teacher used the word axis!”

Do you think other kids should try coding? Yeah! It’s fun. Erin’s dad added, “You feel proud of yourself when you get a like?” to which Erin responded, “Yeah!”

What advice would you give to kids starting out with Tynker? You know those tutorials? They should try using those first so they get a hang of it.

Erin’s dad Patrick thinks it’s great that Erin is learning to code! He told us, “it’s fun to see her be so into it and stick with things until she gets them right. She’s learning logic, and learning some of those math concepts. I think it’s a real positive.”

He’s glad she’s learning with Tynker, because “there are a lot of apps for kids that are maybe not so much for kids, so Tynker seems like a real positive one. I like the way the community is managed – you can give thumbs up but you can’t necessarily comment, you can’t certainly give a thumbs down, so it’s a nice atmosphere for little kids.”

For Patrick, Tynker time is different from screen time. “When she’s using Tynker I generally don’t count it as much as screen time, because I feel like she’s getting something positive out of it.”

In Patrick’s opinion, Tynker is multidisciplinary! He’s seen her “using math, she’s using logic, she’s using art and any kind of coding skill. The sooner you can get into that just to have it as a potential avenue down the road, it’s a good thing.”

Thanks for speaking with us, Erin and Patrick! It was great to hear your perspectives on coding and Tynker. We’re excited to see what you come up with next – happy coding!

About Tynker

Tynker enables children to learn computer programming in a fun and imaginative way. More than 60 million kids worldwide have started learning to code using Tynker.