Top Computer Programming Languages for Beginning Kids

Last Updated: April 15, 2024 7:59 am
Top Computer Programming Languages for Beginning Kids

Remember when learning to ride a bike felt like unlocking a new level of freedom? Well, in today’s digital age, knowing how to code opens up an even bigger world. For many young minds eager to start this adventure, choosing from the top computer programming languages for beginning kids can seem daunting. But fear not! Finding the perfect starter language doesn’t have to be complicated. From visual block-based platforms explicitly designed with beginners in mind, like Scratch, which transforms complex concepts into engaging drag-and-drop puzzles, to Python’s clean syntax that reads almost like plain English, there’s something out there for every budding coder.

Why does it matter? Starting with the right language can make all the difference. It sets kids on a path where they don’t just consume technology but understand and create it, too. So, let’s dive into some top picks that turn novices into confident creators

    Best Programming Languages for Kids

    Choosing the top computer programming languages for beginning kids to learn can feel overwhelming. But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.

    We’ve researched the top kids programming languages to find the best options for beginners. These coding languages made the list because they’re easy to learn, readily available, and include kid-friendly features.

    Tynker the top computer programming languages for beginning kids

    Tynker is one of the easiest programming languages to learn for kids. The visual block structure creates an intuitive environment to finish a task.

    The Tynker workspace also allows you to easily edit your code by dragging in the blocks you want, quickly removing the ones you don’t, and providing a large window to test the results of your code. Tynker comes with many cool characters and backdrops, which makes it super fun for kids to see their code come to life. That makes it one of the top computer programming languages for beginning kids, with a great coding community to be part of.


    Python is a popular choice for kids learning to code. It has a simple and readable syntax that is easy for beginners to understand. That makes it one of the top computer programming languages for beginning kids.

    There are many resources available for learning Python, such as the book “Python for Kids: A Playful Introduction To Programming“.


    Java is a widely used programming language that can be a good choice for older kids and teens who want to learn a language that has real-world applications. Java is used for developing Android apps, web applications, and more. That makes it one of the top computer programming languages for beginning kids.


    Lua is a lightweight scripting language that is often used for game development. It has a simple syntax and is easy for kids to learn.

    Kids can use their Lua skills to create and modify games on the Roblox platform because Lua is the programming language that the well-known game Roblox uses.


    Apple developed Swift as a programming language for creating iOS and macOS applications. It has a clean and expressive syntax that can be easier for kids to read and understand compared to other languages.

    Swift Playgrounds is an iPad app that teaches kids to code in Swift in a fun and interactive way.

    Benefits of Learning to Code at a Young Age

    Learning to code has so many benefits for kids, beyond just the technical skills. Let’s explore a few key advantages to learning one of the top computer programming languages for beginning kids:

    Develops problem-solving and logical thinking

    Learning to code helps children develop problem-solving and logical thinking skills. When kids learn to break down complex problems into smaller parts and use code to solve them, they are developing important skills that can be applied to many areas of life.

    Enhances creativity

    Coding can be a highly creative activity, especially for kids. When children learn to code, they are learning to create something from nothing. That makes learning to code one of the top computer programming languages for beginning kids to enhance creativity.

    They can use their imagination to design games, animations, and interactive stories. Coding allows kids to bring their ideas to life in a unique and engaging way.

    Prepares for future career opportunities

    Learning to code at a young age can help prepare children for future career opportunities. Many of the fastest-growing and highest-paying jobs today require coding skills.

    By learning to code early on, kids can gain a valuable skill set that will serve them well in the future job market. That makes one of the top computer programming languages for beginning kids a great leap to prepare for future career opportunities.

    How to Get Started with Coding for Kids

    Ready to get your child started with coding? Here are some tips to help you get going with one of the top computer programming languages for beginning kids.

    Choosing the right programming language

    When getting started with coding for kids, it’s important to choose the right programming language. Some good options for beginners include Tynker, Python, and JavaScript. These are one of the top computer programming languages for beginning kids because they have simple syntax, good online resources, and large communities of users.

    Finding online resources and tutorials

    There are many online resources and tutorials available for kids who want to learn to code. Websites like, Codecademy, and Khan Academy offer free coding courses and tutorials for beginners.

    These resources can be a great way for kids to learn the basics of programming at their own pace.

    Enrolling in coding classes or camps

    Another option for getting started with coding for kids is to enroll in coding classes or camps. Many organizations offer coding programs specifically designed for kids, such as Code Ninjas, Coding with Kids, and iD Tech Camps, to learn one of the top computer programming languages for beginning kids.

    These programs can provide a structured learning environment and the opportunity to work with experienced instructors.

    Visual Programming Languages for Beginners

    Visual programming languages are a great way to introduce kids to coding concepts without the complexity of text-based languages. Here are a few popular options:


    Tynker is a block-based visual programming language. It is designed to be easy for beginners to learn, with a simple drag-and-drop interface.

    Scratch is a great choice for younger kids who are just starting to learn about coding concepts.


    Blockly is a visual programming language developed by Google. It uses interlocking blocks to represent code concepts, making it easy for beginners to understand.

    Blockly is used in many online coding courses and tutorials, such as’s Hour of Code activities.


    Alice is a block-based programming environment developed by Carnegie Mellon University. It allows users to create 3D animations and games using a drag-and-drop interface.

    Alice is designed to teach basic programming concepts in a fun and engaging way, making it a good choice for kids who are interested in animation and game design.

    Key Takeaway: Starting your kid on coding? Go for languages that are easy, fun, and have lots of learning resources. Scratch is great for beginners with its drag-and-drop blocks. Python’s simple syntax is good too. For gaming fans, Lua and Swift offer a real-world connection through Roblox and iOS apps.

    Text-based Programming Languages for Kids

    Ready to level up your kid’s coding skills? It might be time to introduce them to text-based programming languages.

    While block-based languages like Scratch are great for beginners, text-based languages will take their abilities to the next level. And open up even more possibilities for creating games, apps, and programs.


    Python is a popular text-based programming language that’s known for its simplicity and readability. It has a large and active Python community, which means there are plenty of resources and support available for kids who are learning.

    Python is a versatile language that can be used for a wide range of applications, from web development to data analysis. So it’s a great choice for kids who want to explore different areas of programming.


    Lua is a lightweight scripting language that’s often used for game development. It has a simple and easy-to-learn syntax, making it a good choice for kids who are interested in creating their own games.

    In fact, Lua is the programming language used by the popular gaming platform Roblox. So kids can use their Lua programming skills to create and modify games within the Roblox environment.


    Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language developed by Apple for creating iOS and macOS applications. It has a clean and expressive syntax that’s easy for kids to read and write.

    Swift Playgrounds is an iPad app that provides a fun and interactive way for kids to learn the basics of Swift designed programming. With its engaging challenges and step-by-step lessons, it’s a great way to get started with text-based coding.

    Creating Games and Apps with Coding

    One of the most exciting things about learning to code is being able to create your own games and apps. And there are plenty of tools and resources available to help kids do just that.

    Game development with Tynker

    Tynker is a great platform for kids to start learning game development. With its drag-and-drop interface and built-in sprites and backgrounds, kids can easily create games and animations.

    Tynker also has a large online community where kids can share their projects and learn from others. They can even remix and build upon existing games, like Minecraft, to create their own unique versions.

    Building mobile apps with MIT App Inventor

    MIT App Inventor is a beginner-friendly platform that allows kids to create their own mobile apps for Android devices. It uses a block-based programming language similar to Scratch, making it easy for kids to learn and use.

    With MIT App Inventor, kids can create video games, quizzes, and even practical tools like a flashlight app or a drawing program. The possibilities are endless.

    Coding Communities and Resources for Kids

    Learning to code can be even more fun and rewarding when you’re part of a community. And there are plenty of online communities and resources available for kids who are interested in coding.

    Tynker community

    The Tynker community is a large and active online community where kids can share their Tynker projects, collaborate with others, and learn from each other.

    The community includes a variety of resources, such as tutorials, forums, and contests. Participating in the Scratch community can be a great way for kids to stay motivated and engaged as they learn to code.

    Tynker Coding for Kids

    Tynker is an online platform that offers coding courses and activities for kids. It includes a variety of programming languages and environments, such as Scratch, Python, and JavaScript.

    Tynker also offers a mobile app that allows kids to learn and practice coding on the go. With its interactive lessons and game-like challenges, Tynker can be a fun and effective way for kids to learn coding skills.

    Key Takeaway: Ready to take your kid’s coding skills up a notch? Text-based languages like Python, Lua, and Swift open doors to creating cool games and apps. They’re user-friendly and supported by vast communities, making learning both fun and resource-rich. From game development with Scratch to building mobile apps with MIT App Inventor, the possibilities are endless. Plus, joining online coding communities can boost their journey by offering tons of resources and peer support.


    The truth is, stepping into coding might feel akin to exploring uncharted territories—exciting yet slightly intimidating at first glance. However, coding languages armed with suitable tools and knowledge about computer programming languages tailored for beginning kids lay the solid groundwork towards conquering these lands.

    We’ve ventured through coding language options ranging from Tynker’s vibrant storytelling blocks that ignite imagination while teaching logic building blocks to Swift Playgrounds, where playful experiments foster real-world problem-solving skills under Apple’s wing—all proving tech education isn’t just possible; it’s thrilling.

    Essentially, coding languages is no longer just another subject; it is becoming as crucial as reading or writing once were. Our children are poised on this exciting frontier, ready to embrace it. to shape tomorrow using lines of code penned today.
    Just imagine—a generation fluent not only in their native tongues but also in those scripting futures—one bracket at a time.This, dear reader,
    is no distant dream but an unfolding reality we’re witnessing now.
    And truly,This revelation shapes how we perceive potential, turning erstwhile consumers into passionate innovators who’ll soon handcraft worlds previously confined to realms of imagination alone.

    About Lomit Patel

    Lomit Patel is the Chief Growth Officer of Tynker, with 20 years of experience helping startups grow into successful businesses. He is also the author of the book "Lean AI" which is part of Eric Ries' bestselling "The Lean Startup" series.