
painting Minecraft Item

Minecraft Item

Paintings are decorative objects in Minecraft . They are placed by right-clicking a surface. When placed, their appearance will randomly be chosen from several different preset images. The size of the painting is also variable, as some images are quite larger than others. If the player is not satisfied with the first design placed, they can just remove the painting from the surface and place it again to get a new design.

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Type Entity
Uses Decoration
Stackable? Yes
First Appearance Indev (February, 2010)
Data Values Hex: 141 Dec: 321


To place an image, select it in the inventory bar, and right-click a wall of blocks that is not obstructed by any blocks making it "un-flat" (with the exception of torches, the painting will lay under them). The image will be displayed randomly. Depending on the size of the wall the image can be any where from a 1x1 (one block) size, up to a whopping 4x4. They are not always even though. Some may be 1x2 or 2x1 while others are 4x3. Each of these sizes has different images that can be displayed, so the user may want to retry several times before obtaining the one that is desired.


  • In Minecraft Indev the Painting had an old crafting recipe, it was crafted by using eight Wood Planks and a piece of Wool in the middle.
  • Paintings are randomly generated when placed, and can vary in size greatly.
  • Paintings can be knocked off of a surface by throwing snowballs at or shooting arrows at them.
  • The texture that the painting has in the back is actually the Wood Planks texture but it has been darken slightly.
  • One of the paintings in the game is called bomb in the game files because it's a painting of Bomb map from the videogame Counter Strike.
  • One of the paintings in the game is called Donkey Kong in the game files because it's a painting of the videogame Donkey Kong.
  • In Multiplayer , if a player is standing behind a painting then the other players will not see the nametag.
  • The painting called Seaside has been changed slightly. In Minecraft Indev the plant in the painting was dark green but in Minecraft Alpha it changed to have a colorful plant.
  • The painting called Stage has been changed slightly. In Minecraft Indev the spider in the painting was very small but in Minecraft Alpha it was changed to a bigger spider.
  • There are four 2x2 painting that are currently unused in Minecraft: Pocket Edition. They can only be found in the game files.
  • There are 30 paintings in total incluiding the currently unused paintings.


The paintings are based on real works of art. The following video shows 26 paintings and the originals they are based on:


  • As of 1.5 there is a "glitch" that when a painting is placed it will appear

for about 1 tick than disappear. This glitch was fixed in 13w11a.

  • Paintings, oddly, can be walked through, allowing the player to cover up passageways, if the painting is on signs.
  • Paintings placed near torches may expand through them leaving the torch to appear stuck on the painting instead of the wall.
  • If a painting is hit with water, it will not be destroyed, but it will darken.


See here

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