Introduction to the Workshop

The Tynker workshop is where you design and build your projects. Here are a few links to get you started:
  • Watch the videos to learn more about Tynker. The videos give a good introduction to creating your first project.
  • The in-built tutor provides step-by-step instructions to creating projects. For example, run through the Yip Yip Puppy tutorial to make the puppy bark.
  • Sample Projects are a great way to learn more at your own pace.
Here are some basics on the Workshop:
  • The Stage is where all the visual parts of your program come together and you will see your program run here.
  • At any point you can see all the Actors that you’ve added to the program in the Actors window below the Stage. The Stage is also in the Actors window because the Stage is just a special kind of Actor.
  • You can add more actors using the buttons in the Actor window.
  • You can give another “look” to an Actor by adding a Costume to it. Adding multiple Costumes to an Actor is required for you to create an animation.
  • The Sounds tab lets you associate sounds that your Actors can use to make noises.
  • The Actions window is where you drag and drop code blocks to create a Script that make your Actors do stuff.
  • Use the categories or the search box to search for code blocks.
  • The Media Library has a large collection of backgrounds, people, animals, and objects that you can use in your programs.
  • Use the built-in drawing editor to draw your own Actors.
  • You can save Actors with all their logic and assets as TynkerBlocks. Use the TynkerBlocks in any other program and even extend them.
Some more tips to help you:
  • All your projects are saved on the cloud and are private unless you share them.
  • They will be available to you anytime from home and school.
  • There is an auto-save option that saves your work every minute. It is off by default.
  • There are a number of keyboard shortcuts to help you:
    Command PC Mac
    Save your project Control-S Command-S
    Open Control-O Command-O
    New Control-N Command-N
    Cut Control-X Command-X
    Copy Control-C Command-C
    Paste Control-V Command-V
    Undo Control-Z Command-Z
    Redo Control-Y Command-Y
  • Drag your scripts and Actors to the Backpack on the Toolbar and use them in any other of your projects.
  • Save your project often – there is an indicator of unsaved changes on the toolbar.
  • If a project has an associated tutorial you will be able to run it by selecting the “Learn” option.
  • Look at the Glossary in the Help/Support area to get answers to common coding questions.