Middle School course

Game Design 202

  • GRADES 6-8
  • WEB
  • 20 LESSONS

Answer Key

Module 1: Hexagonal Frame

Module 2: Tambourine

Module 3: Circle Art

Module 4: Traffic Lights

Module 5: Heart

Module 6: Five Circles

U.S. Standards

  • CCSS-Math: 6.NS.C.6, MP.1
  • CCSS-ELA: RI.7.4, RI.8.4, 6-8.RST.3, 6-8.RST.4, 6-8.RST.7
  • CSTA: 2-AP-10, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-13, 2-AP-17
  • CS CA: 6-8.AP.10, 6-8.AP.13, 6-8.AP.17
  • ISTE: 1.c, 1.d, 4.d, 5.c, 5.d, 6.b

Lesson 20: Advanced Patterns 2

Course: | Web

  • Hexagonal Frame
  • Tambourine
  • Circle Art
  • Traffic Lights
  • Heart
  • Five Circles
  • Bonus 6


Students continue to apply what they have learned, and learn more advanced programming principles as they complete Cannon Crasher, the projectile physics game, and build a brand new top-down side scrolling adventure. In Cannon Crasher, they complete the game by adding impulses, setting angles, trajectories and programming collisions. In Dragon Attack, students define multiple levels, multiple lives and program a boss enemy, while learning about variables and cloning.

Topics Covered: Events, keyboard and mouse interaction, conditional loops, nested loops, sending and receiving messages, fluid motion, parallax scrolling, local and global variables, functions, and object cloning.

What Students Learn

  • Build complex multi-level games
  • Use variables to keep score
  • Use cloning to create actors programmatically
  • Build algorithms using complex conditional logic
  • Define and use functions with parameters
  • Build physics projects using gravity, impulse, and velocity
  • Understand parallelism with multiple scripts
  • Program different behaviors for different actors
  • Publish projects to the Web
  • Troubleshoot and debug programs

Technical Requirements

* Online courses require a modern desktop computer, laptop computer, Chromebook, or Netbook with Internet access and a Chrome (29+), Firefox (30+), Safari (7+), or Edge (20+) browser. No downloads required.

Lesson 20 : Advanced Patterns 2Time: 60+ mins

Time: 60+ minutes


Code Blocks




Warm-Up (15 minutes)

Activities (45 minutes)

Facilitate as students complete all Advanced Patterns 2Time: 60+ mins modules on their own:

1. Hexagonal Frame (Puzzle)
2. Tambourine (Puzzle)
3. Circle Art (Puzzle)
4. Traffic Lights (Puzzle)
5. Heart (Puzzle)
6. Five Circles (Puzzle)
7. Bonus 3 (Bonus)

Extended Activities (10 minutes)