Meet Featured Maker: Silas

By Leandra May 9, 2023

Meet our newest Featured Maker and Coding Cup winner, 14-year-old Silas, from Atlanta!

Silas enjoys horseback riding. 

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Silas also likes to create origami.

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His favorite subject in school is Math.

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When he grows up he would like to be a soccer player, a game designer or a lego designer. 

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Silas was a coding Cup Winner. Congrats, Silas!

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Silas got started with Tynker when he was young. He has been coding for 8 or 9 years. 

What is your favorite project you've made so far, and what do you like about it? Probably one I made for one of the Summer Code Jams where you're riding a bicycle on the sidewalk, and then randomly a cone, mud, or pothole will appear, and you have to avoid it.