Meet Featured Maker: Ethan

By Leandra May 5, 2023

Meet our newest Featured Maker and Coding Cup winner, 10-year-old Ethan, from Western Australia!

Ethan enjoys playing the piano.

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Ethan would like to be a remote designer and coder when he grows up. 

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His favorite subject in school is science because he likes learning about atoms and molecules

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Ethan was a coding Cup Winner. Congrats, Ethan!

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Ethan was a Winter Code Jam winner. Great Job, Ethan!

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Ethan got started with Tynker by playing Minecraft. He learned how to create a custom skin on Tynker and kept learning from there. 

What advice would you give to kids starting out with Tynker?  I'd say try the Coding Cup. It lets them get started with Coding in a fun and competitive way.